Today’s consumers have an abundance of choice for Luxury shopping –in a store, on a website, via an app on their smartphone and through their games console.
The old notion of a linear customer journey is rapidly evolving into a more mosaic approach.
In response to that, we need to understand howSaudi shopping behaviors are changing as consumers gain more choice, access and power across channels.
They are looking to create a more seamless experience that keeps them engaged with WHERE & HOW they shop.
Boulevard will play an essential role as THE new Destination to be
•Anchor of the shopping experience, a selection of brands that people want to spend time with
•The place that people start with before wandering to the periphery
•The goal: To make it an active destination not a predictable one

Which brought us to our BIG IDEA
Boulevard… A destination for Pioneers in Luxury Lifestyle​​​​​​​
Teaser Campaign

Headline: There are the first to cross the borders of the world

Headline: There is the first to rise to the top

Revealer Campaign

Headline: Rise to unlimited creativity world

Headline: Discover a new dimension of shopping

Headline: Rise to the top of the most famous brands

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